I have a table with this struct:
FName | SName | Jan 2021 | Feb 2021 | Mar 2021 | Total 2021 | |
Micheal | Scott | [email protected] | 4000 | 5000 | 3400 | 50660 |
Dwight | Schrute | [email protected] | 1200 | 6900 | 1000 | 35000 |
Kevin | Malone | [email protected] | 9000 | 6000 | 18000 | 32000 |
And i want to transform it to:
I tried with 'stack' method but i couldn't get it to work. Thanks
You can flatten the monthly/total columns via explode
as shown below:
val df = Seq(
("Micheal", "Scott", "[email protected]", 4000, 5000, 3400, 50660),
("Dwight", "Schrute", "[email protected]", 1200, 6900, 1000, 35000),
("Kevin", "Malone", "[email protected]", 9000, 6000, 18000, 32000)
).toDF("FName","SName", "Email", "Jan 2021", "Feb 2021", "Mar 2021", "Total 2021")
val moYrCols = Array("Jan 2021", "Feb 2021", "Mar 2021", "Total 2021") // (**)
val otherCols = df.columns diff moYrCols
val structCols ={ c =>
val moYr = split(lit(c), "\\s+")
struct(moYr(1).as("Year"), moYr(0).as("Month"), col(c).as("Value"))
withColumn("flattened", explode(array(structCols: _*))).
select( :+ $"flattened.*": _*).
| FName| SName| Email|Year|Month|Value|
|Micheal| Scott| [email protected]|2021| Jan| 4000|
|Micheal| Scott| [email protected]|2021| Feb| 5000|
|Micheal| Scott| [email protected]|2021| Mar| 3400|
|Micheal| Scott| [email protected]|2021|Total|50660|
| Dwight|Schrute|[email protected]|2021| Jan| 1200|
| Dwight|Schrute|[email protected]|2021| Feb| 6900|
| Dwight|Schrute|[email protected]|2021| Mar| 1000|
| Dwight|Schrute|[email protected]|2021|Total|35000|
| Kevin| Malone| [email protected]|2021| Jan| 9000|
| Kevin| Malone| [email protected]|2021| Feb| 6000|
| Kevin| Malone| [email protected]|2021| Mar|18000|
| Kevin| Malone| [email protected]|2021|Total|32000|
(**) Use pattern matching in case there are many columns; for example:
val moYrCols = df.columns.filter(_.matches("[A-Za-z]+\\s+\\d{4}"))