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Looking up data in another data.table from j

I have been running into a computation time issue when working with large datasets and applying functions that use multiple columns of the data.table as inputs. Here is a simplified example:

main_dt   <- data.table(Start=(1:2), End=c(2,2))
lookup_dt <- data.table(Year = 1:3, Amount = c(10,20,30))


> main_dt
Start End
1:     1   2
2:     2   2


> lookup_dt
   Year Amount
1:    1     10
2:    2     20
3:    3     30

What I want is to add a column in data.table main_dt that includes the sum of Amounts of Years between Start and End. So something like this, but there is a referencing error.

main_dt[, Amount := lookup_dt[ Year >= start & Year <= end, sum(Amount)]]
Warning messages:
1: In Year >= Start :  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2: In Year <= End :  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

If the Amount would depend only on one variable, I could do:

main_dt[, GreaterAmount := lapply(Start, function(x) return (lookup_dt[Year >= x, sum(Amount)]))]

to get:

> main_dt
Start End Amount GreaterAmount
1:     1   2     30            60
2:     2   2     30            50

Which would be ok, but

  • I need to apply a function that actually depends on both Start and End
  • Applying a function for every row individually slows down computation process rapidly. A vectorized solution would be highly appreciated.

Looking forward to any suggestions!

Thank you! Markus


  • First, the join columns should be the same class, so we can either convert main_dt$End to integer, or main_df$Start and lookup_dt$Year to numeric. I'll choose the first:

    main_dt[, End := as.integer(End)]
    #    Start   End
    #    <int> <int>
    # 1:     1     2
    # 2:     2     2

    From here, we can do a joining-assignment:

    main_dt[, Amount := lookup_dt[.SD, sum(Amount), on = .(Year >= Start, Year <= End), by = .EACHI]$V1 ]
    #    Start   End Amount
    #    <int> <int>  <num>
    # 1:     1     2     30
    # 2:     2     2     20

    If you're somewhat familiar with data.table, note that .SD referenced is actually the contents of main_dt, so lookup_dt[.SD,...] is effectively "main_dt left join lookup_dt". From there, the on= should be normal, and sum(Amount) is what you want to aggregate. The only new thing introduced here is the use of by=.EACHI, which can be confusing; some links for that: