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Pandas pct_change with moving average

I would like to use pandas' pct_change to compute the rate of change between each value and the previous rolling average (before that value). Here is what I mean:

If I have:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'data': [1, 2, 3, 7]})

I would expect to get, for window size of 2:

0    NaN
1    NaN
2    1
3    1.8

, because roc(3, avg(1, 2)) = (3-1.5)/1.5 = 1 and same calculation goes for 1.8. using pct_change with periods parameter just skips previous nth entries, it doesn't do the job.

Any ideas on how to do this in an elegant pandas way for any window size?


  • here is one way to do it, using rolling and shift

    df['poc'] = (df['data'] - df['avg'].shift(+1))/ df['avg'].shift(+1)
        data    poc
    0     1     NaN
    1     2     NaN
    2     3     1.0
    3     7     1.8