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WinUI 3: Binding a Enum to a DataGridComboBoxColumn

I'm trying to bind an Enum to a DataGridComboBoxColumn. For this I use the EnumValuesExtensions. I use WinUI 3 and Windows App SDK in version 1.0.3.

Unfortunately, I get the following error at runtime:

Markup extension could not provide value.

I use the EnumValuesExtensions like this:


        <controls:DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                           ItemsSource="{x:Bind ViewModel.Devices, Mode=OneWay}">
              <controls:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Name}" Header="Name" />
              <controls:DataGridComboBoxColumn Binding="{Binding Type}" 
                                               ItemsSource="{ui:EnumValues Type=enums:DeviceType}"
                                               Header="Typ" />

Associated code behind:

public sealed partial class BuildingStructurePage : Page
   public BuildingStructureViewModel ViewModel { get; }

   public BuildingStructurePage()
      ViewModel = App.GetService<BuildingStructureViewModel>();

Bound property in the View Model:

public ObservableCollection<ObservableDevice> Devices { get; private set; } = new ObservableCollection<ObservableDevice>();

I want to bind this enum to the ComboBox:

public enum DeviceType
   Unknown = 0,

   AnalogActuator = 1,

   BinaryInput = 2,

And finally my Observable:

public class ObservableDevice : ObservableValidator
   public DeviceType Type
      get => ((Device)entity).Type;
      set => SetProperty(((Device)entity).Type, value, (Device)entity, (u, n) => u.Type = n);

   public List<DeviceType> DeviceTypes
      get => Enum.GetValues(typeof(DeviceType)).Cast<DeviceType>().ToList();

   #region --- Constructors ---

   public ObservableDevice()
      : this(new Device())
   { }

   public ObservableDevice(Device device)
      : base(device)
   { }


Can someone tell me why I get the error described above? Is EnumValuesExtensions not working in WinUI 3?


  • An update to Windows App SDK 1.1.1 solves my problem.