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OptaPlanner ConstraintProvider

I have created a small project resolve below usecase

Use Case:

  • We have DocYards – which can handle 80/40/20.. containers per hour. DocYards will place containers on Trucks

  • We have Trucks – which can Carry 10/20/6.. containers capacity.

Problem Solution : We need to plan which Truck goes to which DocYard at what time, based up on container capacities.


If DocYard having 40 Capacity We can send Two Trucks with Capacity 25, 15 (matched or less to DicYard Capacity) at 8:00 - 9:00 timeslot

If DocYard having 10 Capacity We can only send one Truck with Capacity >10 (matched or less to DicYard Capacity) at 9:00 - 10:00 timeslot

i have created below constraint to solve the problem

    Constraint requiredCapacityConstraint(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
    return constraintFactory.forEach(Truck.class)
            .groupBy(Truck::getDocYard, Truck::getTruckCapacity)
            .filter((docYard, reqCapacity) -> reqCapacity > docYard.getCapacity())
                    (docYard, truckCapacity) -> truckCapacity - docYard.getCapacity());

i got below output , which is wrong - because it is assigning trucks greaterthan its capacity

|            |DocYard-A-40|DocYard-B-20|DocYard-C-10|
| 08:00      | T40        | T19        | T10        |
| 09:00      | T15,T30    | T11,T12    | T03        |
| 10:00      | T22        | T20        | T05        |
here number after alphabet is CAPACITY of that Truck / DocYard

Can someone help me what's wrong & how can i resolve this ?

attching github repo of above problem

Github Link


  • The main problem is groupBy(Truck::getDocYard, Truck::getTruckCapacity) only groups the trucks, not sum them. In addition, it does not take into account the Truck's timeslot. To calculate capacity used during a particular timeslot, a second groupBy key need to be used, along with ConstraintCollector.sum to calculate the sum:

    Constraint requiredCapacityConstraint(ConstraintFactory constraintFactory) {
        return constraintFactory.forEach(Truck.class)
            .groupBy(Truck::getDocYard, Truck::getTimeslot, ConstraintCollectors.sum(Truck::getTruckCapacity))
            .filter((docYard, timeslot, reqCapacity) -> reqCapacity > docYard.getCapacity())
                    (docYard, timeslot, truckCapacity) -> truckCapacity - docYard.getCapacity());