I'm going to migrate to vite and vitest. Now I'm learning how to use vitest and suddenly I found vitest has a problem loading module sinon.
Is sinon compatible with vitest?
When I run the test with 'npm run test:unit', it responds as follows:
FAIL src/stores/__tests__/counter.spec.ts [ src/stores/__tests__/counter.spec.ts ]
Error: [vite-node] Failed to load sinon
❯ async src/stores/__tests__/counter.spec.ts:9:31
7| describe('useCounterStore', () => {
8| beforeEach(() => {
9| setActivePinia(createPinia());
| ^
10| });
I know that vitest suggest using msw to mock request but for now I'd like to give sinon a try since my colleagues are already familiar with sinon.
Here is the test file counter.spec.ts:
import { describe, it, expect, beforeEach } from 'vitest';
import { useCounterStore } from '../counter';
import { setActivePinia, createPinia } from 'pinia';
import axios from 'axios';
import sinon from 'sinon';
describe('useCounterStore', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it.skip('Counter Store - increment()', () => {
const counter = useCounterStore();
it('getName - axios success', () => {
const counter = useCounterStore();
sinon.stub(axios, 'get').resolves({ data: 'abc' });
And here is the counter.ts (Pinia store)
import axios from 'axios';
import * as pinia from 'pinia';
export const useCounterStore = pinia.defineStore({
id: 'counter',
state: () => ({
counter: 0,
name: '',
getters: {
doubleCount: state => state.counter * 2,
actions: {
increment() {
async getName() {
const rlt = await axios
.then((response:any) => response.data)
.catch(error => console.log(error));
// console.log(rlt);
this.name = rlt.data;
Finally, I follow 3 Ways To Mock Axios In Jest and chose the #3 way - axios-mock-adapter.
This would be easier than msw and axios-mock-adapter is more powerful than sinon when I want to mock a http request.