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MongoDB - Update nested document based on its current content

I have a simple collection with a document like this one:

    _id: ObjectId('62b196e43581370007773393'),
    name: 'John',
    jobs: [
            company: 'ACME',
            type: 'programmer',
            technologies: [
                    level: 1,
                    name: 'Java'
                    level: 3,
                    name: 'MongoDB'

I'd like to collect all technologies into a new field in the "job" sub-document for "programmers" jobs only, to achieve this effect:

jobs: [
   it_technologies : ["Java", "MongoDB"]


The problem is that I do not know how to refer to and collect proper elements of the documents with this query:

db.runCommand({update: "employees",      
    updates: [
           q: {},
           u: { $set: { "jobs.$[j].it_technologies": "<how to collect all technologies in this job?>" } },
           upsert: false,
           multi: true,
           arrayFilters: [{
                {"j.type": "programmer"},
                {"j.technologies": {$exists : true, $ne: []} }
      ] });

Is it at all possible? I'd be grateful for any clue!


  • Think that you need to work the update with the aggregation pipeline.

    1. map - Iterate with the jobs array and return a new array.

      1.1. $cond - Check the condition (Match the current document of jobs type and technology is not an empty array). If fulfilled, then update the document, else remains existing.

      1.1.1. $mergeObjects - Merge current document with the document with it_technologies.

        $set: {
          "jobs": {
            $map: {
              input: "$jobs",
              in: {
                $cond: {
                  if: {
                    $and: [
                        $eq: [
                        $ne: [
                  then: {
                    $mergeObjects: [
                        it_technologies: "$$"
                  else: "$$this"
      upsert: false,
      multi: true,

    Sample Mongo Playground