I have the following in my goal:
maxr x0 x
I would like to do a case analysis, to consider what happens in the case that x0 is greatest, and the case the x is greatest. Is this possible in ssreflect?
Generally it would be something like (for example with if statement)
have [ something | something'] := ifP
However, I cannot find the appropriate syntax to do a case analysis with max.
You can use lerP
or ltrP
Check lerP.
: forall (R : realDomainType) (x y : R),
ler_xor_gt (R:=R) x y (minr y x) (minr x y)
(maxr y x) (maxr x y) `|(x - y)%R| `|(y - x)%R|
(x <= y)%R (y < x)%R
In action:
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.
Import Num.Def Num.Theory.
Goal forall a b : int, maxr a b = a.
move=> a b.
case: lerP.
2 goals (ID 4070)
a, b : int
(a <= b)%R -> b = a
goal 2 (ID 4071) is:
(b < a)%R -> a = a
I found them with Search maxr.
, which is not the fastest way (it shows several results), but at least it works.