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DFS on a graph specified with edges as list of tuples

I have a graph with its edges specified as a list of tuples. Say, for example, we have:

edges = [('human', 'mammal'), ('mammal', 'vertebrate'), ('mouse', 'mammal'), ('vertebrate', 'animal')]

How would we write a method that recursively iterates over all the nodes that can be constructed from the above graph to perform a depth first search traversal in Python?

Any help is appreciated, thank you!


  • This is a rather fun problem, which you should probably still try to solve yourself, but here's an example of an implementation:

    from typing import Generator, Union
    def construct(edges: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> dict:
        root = {}
        index = {}
        for x, isa in edges:
            if x in root:
                root[isa] = {x: root[x]}
                del root[x]
                index[isa] = root[isa]
                if x in index:
                    raise SyntaxError(f'Invalid tree structure')
                if isa in index:
                    index[isa][x] = (d := {})
                    root[isa] = {x: (d := {})}
                    index[isa] = root[isa]
                index[x] = d
        return root
    def traverse(tree: Union[list[tuple[str, str]], dict]) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
        # this assumes that, if tree is a dict, it is a well-constructed tree, as construct() would return it
        if not isinstance(tree, dict):
            tree = construct(tree)
        for node in tree:
            yield node
            yield from traverse(tree[node])
    def main():
        edges = [('human', 'mammal'), ('mammal', 'vertebrate'), ('mouse', 'mammal'), ('vertebrate', 'animal')]
        for node in traverse(edges):
    if __name__  == '__main__':

    This constructs a tree in linear time and then traverses it depth-first, yielding the visited nodes. It rejects trees that have duplicate leaf or node values, or cycles.



    My recommendation would be you give this example a try, try to understand it, and then write your own from scratch with whatever you learned.