Search code examples

SQL - distinct on column a for every value in one column b

I'm working with a table called du_vertrag, and I'm trying to build a query that selects distinct values for id and status pairs.

Input Table:

id status date
6251899 beantragt 20201008
6377042 beantragt 20201008
6387891 beantragt 20201008
6251899 übergabe 20201009
6377042 übergabe 20201009
6387891 übergabe 20201009
6251899 übergabe 20201010
6377042 übergabe 20201010
6387891 übergabe 20201010
6251899 aktiv 20201024
6377042 aktiv 20201024
6387891 aktiv 20201024

Desired Output:

id status date
6251899 beantragt 20201008
6377042 beantragt 20201008
6387891 beantragt 20201008
6251899 übergabe 20201009
6377042 übergabe 20201009
6387891 übergabe 20201009
6251899 aktiv 20201024
6377042 aktiv 20201024
6387891 aktiv 20201024

I need for every id the new status with the first datetime the status changed.


  • If you need distinct values for each "id" and "status", you can aggregate over those two fields and select the minimum date to get your output:

    SELECT id, 
           MIN(date) AS date
    FROM du_vertrag 
    GROUP BY id, 

    If you can share what your DBMS is, I can link a fiddle where you can test this solution.