I am trying to collect a button and then check if button.id is cash , here is my code
const msg = message.reply({embeds: [dembed], components: [row1, row2]}).then(function (msg) {
const filter = i => {
return i.user.id === message.author.id;
const collector = message.createMessageComponentCollector({ componentType: 'BUTTON', filter ,time: 15000 });
collector.on('collect', i => {
if(i.customId === 'cash') {
When creating the messageComponentCollector
you are telling it to monitor the first message which the user posted for any button clicks. Since the buttons are in the msg
variable instead of the message
variable, you will just need to change that one to msg
. Your fixed code should look like this:
const msg = message.reply({ embeds: [dembed], components: [row1, row2] }).then(function (msg) {
const filter = i => {
return i.user.id === message.author.id;
const collector = msg.createMessageComponentCollector({ componentType: 'BUTTON', filter, time: 15000 });
collector.on('collect', i => {
if (i.customId === 'cash') {