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Decoding the unknown objects back to original form in swift

I have RAWJSON Class which Used to store and operate objects of unknown structure that's not possible to decode.

public indirect enum RawJSON: Codable, Hashable {
    case number(Double)
    case string(String)
    case bool(Bool)
    case dictionary([String: RawJSON])
    case array([RawJSON])
    case `nil`

    static let double = number

    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let singleValueContainer = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
        if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(Bool.self) {
            self = .bool(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(String.self) {
            self = .string(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(Double.self) {
            self = .number(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode([String: RawJSON].self) {
            self = .dictionary(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode([RawJSON].self) {
            self = .array(value)
        } else if singleValueContainer.decodeNil() {
            self = .nil
        throw DecodingError
                    .Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Could not find reasonable type to map to JSONValue")
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
        case let .number(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .bool(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .string(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .array(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .dictionary(value): try container.encode(value)
        case .nil: try container.encodeNil()

public extension RawJSON {
    func dictionary(with value: RawJSON?, forKey key: String) -> RawJSON? {
        guard case var .dictionary(content) = self else { return nil }
        content[key] = value
        return .dictionary(content)
public indirect enum RawJSON: Codable, Hashable {
    case number(Double)
    case string(String)
    case bool(Bool)
    case dictionary([String: RawJSON])
    case array([RawJSON])
    case `nil`

    static let double = number

    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let singleValueContainer = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
        if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(Bool.self) {
            self = .bool(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(String.self) {
            self = .string(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode(Double.self) {
            self = .number(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode([String: RawJSON].self) {
            self = .dictionary(value)
        } else if let value = try? singleValueContainer.decode([RawJSON].self) {
            self = .array(value)
        } else if singleValueContainer.decodeNil() {
            self = .nil
        throw DecodingError
                    .Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Could not find reasonable type to map to JSONValue")
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
        switch self {
        case let .number(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .bool(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .string(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .array(value): try container.encode(value)
        case let .dictionary(value): try container.encode(value)
        case .nil: try container.encodeNil()

public extension RawJSON {
    func dictionary(with value: RawJSON?, forKey key: String) -> RawJSON? {
        guard case var .dictionary(content) = self else { return nil }
        content[key] = value
        return .dictionary(content)

I want the array of string in its original form.

how can i decode it to original array of strings?

let RAWJSONArray = [RawJSON.string("A"),RawJSON.string("B"),RawJSON.string("C")]
        let arrayString : [String] = []
        for item in RAWJSONArray {
            arrayString.append(item) <-- error No exact matches in call to instance method 'append'  

I used this class from streamchat API using client to client chat they store extra data and convert it to RAWJSON type object and send it to the API.


  • Does this do what you need?

    var arrayString : [String] = []
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    for item in RAWJSONArray {
        if let data = try? encoder.encode(item),
        let str = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {             

    or perhaps you literally want the strings only?

    for case let .string(str) in RAWJSONArray {