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Any way to figure out if Word Document is protected with NoReset flag

the word api (interop and vba) allow to call Document.Protect([...],NoReset,[...]) with a NoReset flag. Is there any way to find out if this flag is set by a protected document? I look into OpenXML specification and compare two documents which have the same structure but protected with enabled/disabled flag.


The problem behind is that i call ActiveDocument.Fields.Update() in my code for documents which are not protected by myself. When i do it and the flag is not set the FormField.Result values will be reset to the FormField.TextInput.Default value and this i will prevent.

So the question is how can i find out before i call Update() if this flag is set or not.


What i find out now is that there is actual no property in the object model which i can call to check if the property is set. The OpenXML specification has also no flag on top the formfield xml specification.The only differences i see in comparison of this, is that Word also added revision id`s to the xml.

Maybe someone has a little bit more informations and can help.

Best regards Daniel


  • Okay the solution for this problem (see comments) is to understand first that there a two problems.

    First problem:

    NoReset flag is only evaluated at runtime if Document.Protect is called.

    secound problem:

    If the document is unprotected word`s standard behaviour is to reset FormFields if Fields.Update is called. To avoid this you can enumerate the Field collection and check if Field.Type is not wdFieldFormTextInput and call than Field.Update