I am trying to parse a csv file hosted remotely. I user rails 6 and active storage. The file is stored on the ImportJob model. Its url can be accessed this way :
the file does exist and is downloadable : http://res.cloudinary.com/dockcyr0z/raw/upload/rghn3zi2190nmc28qwbtr24apqxe.csv
However when trying to parse it
CSV.foreach(url, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, col_sep: ';') do |row|
puts row
Im getting Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - http://res.cloudinary.com/dockcyr0z/raw/upload/rghn3zi2190nmc28qwbtr24apqxe.csv
same thing if I try to open the file first : open(url)
Why am I getting this error ? How can I parse this remote csv file ?
Open url
with URI.parse
and change CSV.foreach
to CSV.parse
CSV.parse(URI.parse(url).read, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, col_sep: ';') do |row|
puts row
# output
:first_name => "Souper",
:last_name => "Man",
:email => "dageismar+learner233@gmail.com",
:role => "CEO",
:tags => "sales,marketing",
:avatar_url => "http://res.cloudinary.com/dockcyr0z/image/upload/x3f65o5mepbdhi4fwvww99gjqr7p"
:first_name => "Gentil",
:last_name => "Keum",
:email => "dageismar+learner234@gmail.com",
:role => "CEO",
:tags => "sales,marketing",
:avatar_url => "http://res.cloudinary.com/dockcyr0z/image/upload/x3f65o5mepbdhi4fwvww99gjqr7p"
Or as Stefan suggests just URI.open(url)
instead of URI.parse(url).read