I'm trying to create a ribbon with multiple tabs for an app This is the code I have and it's not working, no errors (except that VBA opens on startup, I'm assuming something IS happening behind the scenes that it's not liking), but the toolbar isn't there, I get the regular Access toolbar
This is a test toolbar, so I'm repeating buttons, etc. I wrote a little app in access that stamps the XML based on choices made in the app and I was testing it out. The app works fine for toolbars with 1 tab but for multiple tabs - no luck
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" onLoad="OnLoadRibbon" loadImage="OnLoadImage">
<ribbon startFromScratch="true">
<tab id="tabMain" label="Kroka">
<group id="grpAppOptions" label="App Options">
<button id="btnLock" label="Lock Database" onAction="macLock" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnPublishFile" label="Publish File" onAction="macPublishFile" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnAdmin" label="Admin Settings" onAction="macAdmin" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnExit" label="Exit App" onAction="macExit" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<group id="grpReports" label="Reports">
<button id="btnCloseReport" label="Close Report" onAction="macCloseReport" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnExit" label="Exit App" onAction="macExit" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<tab id="tabTest" label="Kroka2">
<group id="grpAppOptions" label="App Options">
<button id="btnSubmitIdea" label="Submit Idea" onAction="macCustomers" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnPublishFile" label="Publish File" onAction="macPublishFile" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnCustomers" label="Customers" onAction="macCustomers" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnExit" label="Exit App" onAction="macExit" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<group id="grpReports" label="Reports">
<button id="btnCloseReport" label="Close Report" onAction="macCloseReport" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
<button id="btnExit" label="Exit App" onAction="macExit" getImage="FGetRibbonImages" size="large"/>
IDs should be unique. But they are duplicated on both tabs in your ribbon XML markup.
By default, if an add-in attempts to manipulate the Microsoft Office user interface (UI) and fails, no error message is displayed. However, you can configure Microsoft Office applications to display messages for errors that relate to the UI. You can use these messages to help determine why a custom ribbon does not appear, or why a ribbon appears but no controls appear. Read more about that in the How to: Show Add-in user interface errors article.