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Enable custom time calculation of SLA KPIs

I wanted to enable custom time calculation for SLA KPIs which is provided in the following link: Enable Custom time calculation of SLA KPIs

However, could you please help me with plugin. I do not understand how to write FetchCalendar method?

if (caseRecord.Attributes.Contains("new_country"))
    customCode = (int)(((OptionSetValue)(caseRecord.Attributes["new_country"])).Value);

    // Example 1: Override calendar at runtime: Choose Calendar based on any custom logic
    if (customCode == 0)
        // fetch IST calendar & override CalendarId
        IST_CALENDAR = FetchCalendar("IST_CALENDAR", _service);
        calendarId = IST_CALENDAR;
    else if (customCode == 1)
        // fetch PST calendar & override CalendarId
        PST_CALENDAR = FetchCalendar("PST_CALENDAR", _service);
        calendarId = PST_CALENDAR;

Best Regards, M


  • Below is kind of Psudeo code, you might have to check with synatx.

    private Guid FetchCalendar(string calendarName, OrganizationService _service){
    Guid calendarId=Guid.Empty();
    // Instantiate QueryExpression query
    var query = new QueryExpression("calendar");
    // Add all columns to query.ColumnSet
    query.ColumnSet.AllColumns = true;
    // Define filter query.Criteria
    query.Criteria.AddCondition("name", ConditionOperator.Equal, calendarName /* "IST_CALENDAR"*/);
    EntityCollection _calendarsCollection = _service.RetrieveMulitple(query);
    calendarId =_calendarsCollection.Entities[0].Id;
    return calendarId;