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Remove the column used for index with pd.MultiIndex.from_product

I have a dataframe like so

dfDictionary = {'Results':['Home',
                     'info':[ '-', '-','-','-',],
                     'rating':[ '-', '-','-','-',],
                     'review':[ '-', '-','-','-',]}
dfTable1 = pd.DataFrame(dfDictionary)

It looks like below

Results     info    rating  review
0   Home    -   -   -
1   Away    -   -   -
2   For     -   -   -
3   Against     -   -   -

I created a MultiIndex dataframe from this df like so dfTable1.index =pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[f'Summary1'], dfTable1.Results])

Now the dataframe looks like below. As you can see, the Results column is in both Index & column. I do not want the column anymore since it is in index, How do I do that with dropping? I ask "without dropping" because I do not want 2 levels in the column.

Results     info    rating  review
Summary1    Home    Home    -   -   -
Away    Away    -   -   -
For     For     -   -   -
Against     Against     -   -   -

I have another df almost exactly same

dfTable2 = pd.DataFrame(dfDictionary)
dfTable2.index =pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[f'Summary2'], dfTable1.Results])

And eventually I want to concatenate them with resultsTable = pd.concat([dfTable1, dfTable2], axis = 0) Right now I get a dataframe like the pic below

enter image description here

What I want to achieve in the end is a df like below with a header column & I would do that with resultsTable.columns =pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[f'Final Consolidated Table'], resultsTable.columns]). But before that I need to sort the issue I have currently.

enter image description here


With the initial solution provided by @jezrael, I was able to get the df like below after concatenating the 2 dataframes.


Is there any way to get a dataframe like below? Basically I am trying to recreate a pandas df similar to the excel table. If this is possible, it would be great.

enter image description here


  • Use concat with convert Results to index by dictonary for first level Summary1:

    dfTable1 = pd.DataFrame(dfDictionary)
    dfTable1 = pd.concat({'Summary1':dfTable1.set_index('Results')})
    print (dfTable1)
                     info rating review
    Summary1 Home       -      -      -
             Away       -      -      -
             For        -      -      -
             Against    -      -      -

    Your solution working with DataFrame.pop for use and drop Results:

    dfTable1.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[f'Summary1'], dfTable1.pop('Results')])
    print (dfTable1)
                     info rating review
    Summary1 Home       -      -      -
             Away       -      -      -
             For        -      -      -
             Against    -      -      -

    Working like removed by drop:

    dfTable1.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[f'Summary1'], dfTable1.Results])
    dfTable1 = dfTable1.drop('Results', axis=1)
    print (dfTable1)
                     info rating review
    Summary1 Home       -      -      -
             Away       -      -      -
             For        -      -      -
             Against    -      -      -


    dfDictionary = {'Results':['Home',
                         'info':[ '-', '-','-','-',],
                         'rating':[ '-', '-','-','-',],
                         'review':[ '-', '-','-','-',]}
    dfTable1 = pd.DataFrame(dfDictionary)
    dfTable2 = pd.DataFrame(dfDictionary)
    dfTable1 = pd.concat({'Summary1':dfTable1.set_index('Results')})
    dfTable2 = pd.concat({'Summary2':dfTable2.set_index('Results')})
    resultsTable = pd.concat([dfTable1, dfTable2])

    For expected ouput is necessary create helper DataFrame from columns names, for merged cells for Results is created 3 levels MultiIndex.

    Then is separately written first header and and data without columns names:

    d = {'level_0':'Results'}
    header = resultsTable.reset_index().columns.to_frame().rename(index=d).replace({0:d})
    header = pd.concat({'Final Consolidated Table':header.set_index(0, append=True)}).T.rename_axis([None, None, None], axis=1)
    resultsTable = resultsTable.rename_axis([None, None])
    with pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx') as writer:
        header.to_excel(writer, startcol=-1)
        resultsTable.to_excel(writer, startrow=2, header=None)