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CI / CD and repository integration for Azure ML Workspace

I am interested in knowing how can I integrate a repository with Azure Machine Learning Workspace.

What have I tried ?

I have some experience with Azure Data Factory and usually I have setup workflows where

  1. I have a dev azure data factory instance that is linked to azure repository.

  2. Changes made to the repository using the code editor.

  3. These changes are published via the adf_publish branch to the live dev instance

  4. I use CI / CD pipeline and the AzureRMTemplate task to deploy the templates in the publish branch to release the changes to production environment


  • How can I achieve the same / similar workflow with Azure Machine Learning Workspace ?
  • How is CI / CD done with Azure ML Workspace


  • The following workflow is the official practice to be followed to achieve the task required.

    1. Starting with the architecture mentioned below

    enter image description here

    • we need to have a specific data store to handle the dataset
    • Perform the regular code modifications using the IDE like Jupyter Notebook or VS Code
    • Train and test the model
    • To register and operate on the model, deploy the model image as a web service and operate the rest.
    1. Configure the CI Pipeline:
    • Follow the below steps to complete the procedure

      Before implementation:

      - We need azure subscription enabled account
      - DevOps activation must be activated.
    • Open DevOps portal with enabled SSO

    • Navigate to Pipeline -> Builds -> Choose the model which was created -> Click on EDIT enter image description here

    • Build pipeline will be looking like below screen enter image description here

    • We need to use Anaconda distribution for this example to get all the dependencies.

    • To install environment dependencies, check the link

    • Use the python environment, under Install Requirements in user setup.

    • Select create or get workspace select your account subscription as mentioned in below screen

    enter image description here

    • Save the changes happened in other tasks and all those muse be in same subscription. enter image description here

    The entire CI/CD procedure and solution was documented in link

    Document Credit: Praneet Singh Solanki