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what does only right bracket in an equation such as b] = [A]y] means?

I am writing a paper that uses one of the equations from an old(1969) paper

Now I have been asked the meaning of a single right bracket?

It seems it's differentiating between one dimensional and 2 dimensional matrices. However I cannot find anywhere any written description of what it means or is my interpretation correct? b] = [A]y]

enter image description here

Anyone from mathematical background provide a link to single side brackets and their interpretation?


  • The author appears to be using paired square brackets to indicate a matrix, and a single closing square bracket to indicate a column vector.

    Let's perform the substitutions (and please pardon my crude rendering of mathematical notation, I don't know how to do it better):

    log(βii) = Σj=1n(gij-hij) log(Xj)

    bi = Σj=1n aij yj

    bi = (A y)i

    b = A y

    A is an mxn matrix, y is an nx1 column vector, and b is an mx1 column vector.