Given a list
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
I have a method
String join(List<String> messages) {
if (messages.isEmpty()) return "";
if (messages.size() == 1) return messages.get(0);
String message = "";
message = StringUtils.join(messages.subList(0, messages.size() -2), ", ");
message = message + (messages.size() > 2 ? ", " : "") + StringUtils.join(messages.subList(messages.size() -2, messages.size()), ", and ");
return message;
which, for l, produces "one, two, and three". My question is, is there a standard (apache-commons) method that does the same?, eg
WhatEverUtils.join(l, ", ", ", and ");
To clarify. My problem is not getting this method to work. It works just as I want it to, it's tested and all is well. My problem is that I could not find some apache-commons-like module which implements such functionality. Which surprises me, since I cannot be the first one to need this.
But then maybe everyone else has just done
StringUtils.join(l, ", ").replaceAll(lastCommaRegex, ", and");
If you want a more comprehensive solution, there is a brilliant NLG library for that - SimpleNLG
NLGFactory nlgFactory = new NLGFactory(Lexicon.getDefaultLexicon());
Realiser realiser = new Realiser(lexicon);
CoordinatedPhraseElement cp = nlgFactory.createCoordinatedPhrase();
//code begins here
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
String output = realiser.realise(cp).toString();
This can support any number of array elements without needing to do ugly hacks like "remove last comma".