I am trying to add a custom error message for my model validation. Seen below:
validates :cost, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, message: :custom_error }
My en.yml looks like this:
custom_error: "some error translation"
From everything I have read that should work. However, it only works in some cases. If I do the following it seems to work:
a = Item.new
# false
# { :cost=>["some error translation"]}
In a rescue block I am catching that error and printing the message as seen here:
def subtract_costs
item.cost: -10
puts "error: #{item.errors.messages}"
# Above outputs "error: {:cost=>["some error translation"]}"
rescue StandardError => error
puts error.message
# Above outputs "Validation failed:"
That message is always coming out to Validation failed:
. Does anyone know what could be causing the error message to be blank? I do not have any other locals or translations in my project.
After some digging I was able to find out that it wasn't related to custom error messages and instead the lack of errors.full_messages
always being empty which affected every type of validation error (possibly other types of errors as well).
Once I dug into that method I found that it was being overridden by the gem dynamic_form
. I was able to remove the gem and that fixed the issue. I now see all error messages being returned properly.