I have two entities: Governor and State with ManyToOne association. I need to get all states where there are/were governors and display their count. I'm using PostgreSQL. It looks like this:
SELECT official_state_name, COUNT (governor.id_governor) from state
RIGHT JOIN governor ON state.id_state = governor.id_state
GROUP BY official_state_name
However, I have no clue how it should be done in Spring Data JPA. I know that I need to create additional class like GovernorsCount and declare those two fields. But these are the fields from two different tables, nor one. So this is my query in JPA:
@Query(value="SELECT official_state_name, COUNT (governor.id_governor) from state\n" +
"RIGHT JOIN governor ON state.id_state = governor.id_state\n" +
"GROUP BY official_state_name", nativeQuery = true)
List <State> findAllStatesAndGovernors();
These are two POJO classes:
@Table(name = "state")
public class State implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id_state")
private Integer idState;
@Column(name = "official_state_name")
private String officialStateName;
@Column(name = "official_language")
private String officialLanguage;
@Column(name = "state_currency")
private String stateCurrency;
//setters and getters
@Table(name = "governor")
public class Governor implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id_governor")
private Integer idGovernor;
@Column(name = "pib")
private String fullName;
@Column(name = "age")
private Integer age;
@Column(name = "position")
private String position;
@Column(name = "date_of_intercession")
private java.sql.Date dateOfIntercession;
@Column(name = "date_of_resignation")
private java.sql.Date dateOfResignation;
@Column(name = "per_capita_income")
private Double perCapitaIncome;
@Column(name = "population_below_poverty")
private Integer populationBelowPoverty;
@JoinColumn(name = "id_state", nullable = false)
private State state;
//setters and getters
So how do I actually do this operation? Any help is appreciated.
You can return a List<Object[]>
@Query(value="SELECT official_state_name, COUNT (governor.id_governor) from state\n" +
"RIGHT JOIN governor ON state.id_state = governor.id_state\n" +
"GROUP BY official_state_name", nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> findAllStatesAndGovernors();
List<Object[]> results = repository.findAllStatesAndGovernors();
for( Object[] row : results) {
String officialStateName = (String)row[0];
int count = (Integer)row[1];
You can also do it using JPQL queries:
@Query("SELECT state, COUNT(governor) from Governor governor\n" +
"LEFT JOIN governor.state state\n" +
"GROUP BY state.officialStateName")
List <Object[]> findAllStatesAndGovernors();
List<Object[]> results = repository.findAllStatesAndGovernors();
for( Object[] row : results) {
State state = (State)row[0];
int count = (Integer)row[1];
You can change the select clause to SELECT state.officialStateName, COUNT(governor)
, if you only need the name of the state.