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Sessions not working on CDN but works on localhost

Code works well on localhost, but when i deployed it on hosting that is using CDN, the PHP session is not working.

On page1, I have form that is using token

<form method='post' action='page2'>
   <input type='hidden' name='token' value='someRandomToken'>

On page2, it will validate the token

if($_SESSION['token'] == $_POST['token'])
    do something

It looks like the $_SESSION['token'] is blank


I guess the problem is not because of CDN and hosting, I guess it's because of PHP version? I am using PHP Version 7.2.34 and still can't make SESSION and COOKIES work


  • The error is because of placement of $_SESSION["variable"]

    It must be set before you print / echo anything.

    I thought only the session_start() must be place above any prints.

    //do not print / echo anything above 
    $_SESSION["variable"] = "some value";