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How to add percentage row to an R table

I have a data frame that contains three categorical variables that I tabulated using the following code:

df = data_frame(merged$arrears, merged$mortgage_type, merged$occupancy)
apply(df, 2, table)

And it gave me the following list:

## $`merged$arrears`
##     0     1     2     3     4 
## 52124  5523  2371  1538    27 
## $`merged$mortgage_type`
## bullet    erm linear 
##  19958  17326  18181 
## $`merged$occupancy`
##            btl   holiday home owner occupied 
##          12296          27996          13112

How can I add the percentage of each category to the count in the tables of the list?


  • Does the tabyl() function from the janitor package solve your problem?

    #> Attaching package: 'janitor'
    #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
    #>     chisq.test, fisher.test
    apply(mtcars, 2, table)
    #> $mpg
    #> 10.4 13.3 14.3 14.7   15 15.2 15.5 15.8 16.4 17.3 17.8 18.1 18.7 19.2 19.7   21 
    #>    2    1    1    1    1    2    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2    1    2 
    #> 21.4 21.5 22.8 24.4   26 27.3 30.4 32.4 33.9 
    #>    2    1    2    1    1    1    2    1    1 
    #> $cyl
    #>  4  6  8 
    #> 11  7 14 
    #> $disp
    #>  71.1  75.7  78.7    79  95.1   108 120.1 120.3   121 140.8   145 146.7   160 
    #>     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2 
    #> 167.6   225   258 275.8   301   304   318   350   351   360   400   440   460 
    #>     2     1     1     3     1     1     1     1     1     2     1     1     1 
    #>   472 
    #>     1 
    #> $hp
    #>  52  62  65  66  91  93  95  97 105 109 110 113 123 150 175 180 205 215 230 245 
    #>   1   1   1   2   1   1   1   1   1   1   3   1   2   2   3   3   1   1   1   2 
    #> 264 335 
    #>   1   1 
    #> $drat
    #> 2.76 2.93    3 3.07 3.08 3.15 3.21 3.23 3.54 3.62 3.69  3.7 3.73 3.77 3.85  3.9 
    #>    2    1    1    3    2    2    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    2 
    #> 3.92 4.08 4.11 4.22 4.43 4.93 
    #>    3    2    1    2    1    1 
    #> $wt
    #> 1.513 1.615 1.835 1.935  2.14   2.2  2.32 2.465  2.62  2.77  2.78 2.875  3.15 
    #>     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1 
    #>  3.17  3.19 3.215 3.435  3.44  3.46  3.52  3.57  3.73  3.78  3.84 3.845  4.07 
    #>     1     1     1     1     3     1     1     2     1     1     1     1     1 
    #>  5.25 5.345 5.424 
    #>     1     1     1 
    #> $qsec
    #>  14.5  14.6 15.41  15.5 15.84 16.46  16.7 16.87  16.9 17.02 17.05  17.3  17.4 
    #>     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     1     1     1 
    #> 17.42  17.6 17.82 17.98    18  18.3 18.52  18.6 18.61  18.9 19.44 19.47  19.9 
    #>     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     2     1     1     1 
    #>    20 20.01 20.22  22.9 
    #>     1     1     1     1 
    #> $vs
    #>  0  1 
    #> 18 14 
    #> $am
    #>  0  1 
    #> 19 13 
    #> $gear
    #>  3  4  5 
    #> 15 12  5 
    #> $carb
    #>  1  2  3  4  6  8 
    #>  7 10  3 10  1  1
    apply(mtcars, 2, tabyl)
    #> $mpg
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>       10.4 2 0.06250
    #>       13.3 1 0.03125
    #>       14.3 1 0.03125
    #>       14.7 1 0.03125
    #>       15.0 1 0.03125
    #>       15.2 2 0.06250
    #>       15.5 1 0.03125
    #>       15.8 1 0.03125
    #>       16.4 1 0.03125
    #>       17.3 1 0.03125
    #>       17.8 1 0.03125
    #>       18.1 1 0.03125
    #>       18.7 1 0.03125
    #>       19.2 2 0.06250
    #>       19.7 1 0.03125
    #>       21.0 2 0.06250
    #>       21.4 2 0.06250
    #>       21.5 1 0.03125
    #>       22.8 2 0.06250
    #>       24.4 1 0.03125
    #>       26.0 1 0.03125
    #>       27.3 1 0.03125
    #>       30.4 2 0.06250
    #>       32.4 1 0.03125
    #>       33.9 1 0.03125
    #> $cyl
    #>  newX[, i]  n percent
    #>          4 11 0.34375
    #>          6  7 0.21875
    #>          8 14 0.43750
    #> $disp
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>       71.1 1 0.03125
    #>       75.7 1 0.03125
    #>       78.7 1 0.03125
    #>       79.0 1 0.03125
    #>       95.1 1 0.03125
    #>      108.0 1 0.03125
    #>      120.1 1 0.03125
    #>      120.3 1 0.03125
    #>      121.0 1 0.03125
    #>      140.8 1 0.03125
    #>      145.0 1 0.03125
    #>      146.7 1 0.03125
    #>      160.0 2 0.06250
    #>      167.6 2 0.06250
    #>      225.0 1 0.03125
    #>      258.0 1 0.03125
    #>      275.8 3 0.09375
    #>      301.0 1 0.03125
    #>      304.0 1 0.03125
    #>      318.0 1 0.03125
    #>      350.0 1 0.03125
    #>      351.0 1 0.03125
    #>      360.0 2 0.06250
    #>      400.0 1 0.03125
    #>      440.0 1 0.03125
    #>      460.0 1 0.03125
    #>      472.0 1 0.03125
    #> $hp
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>         52 1 0.03125
    #>         62 1 0.03125
    #>         65 1 0.03125
    #>         66 2 0.06250
    #>         91 1 0.03125
    #>         93 1 0.03125
    #>         95 1 0.03125
    #>         97 1 0.03125
    #>        105 1 0.03125
    #>        109 1 0.03125
    #>        110 3 0.09375
    #>        113 1 0.03125
    #>        123 2 0.06250
    #>        150 2 0.06250
    #>        175 3 0.09375
    #>        180 3 0.09375
    #>        205 1 0.03125
    #>        215 1 0.03125
    #>        230 1 0.03125
    #>        245 2 0.06250
    #>        264 1 0.03125
    #>        335 1 0.03125
    #> $drat
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>       2.76 2 0.06250
    #>       2.93 1 0.03125
    #>       3.00 1 0.03125
    #>       3.07 3 0.09375
    #>       3.08 2 0.06250
    #>       3.15 2 0.06250
    #>       3.21 1 0.03125
    #>       3.23 1 0.03125
    #>       3.54 1 0.03125
    #>       3.62 1 0.03125
    #>       3.69 1 0.03125
    #>       3.70 1 0.03125
    #>       3.73 1 0.03125
    #>       3.77 1 0.03125
    #>       3.85 1 0.03125
    #>       3.90 2 0.06250
    #>       3.92 3 0.09375
    #>       4.08 2 0.06250
    #>       4.11 1 0.03125
    #>       4.22 2 0.06250
    #>       4.43 1 0.03125
    #>       4.93 1 0.03125
    #> $wt
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>      1.513 1 0.03125
    #>      1.615 1 0.03125
    #>      1.835 1 0.03125
    #>      1.935 1 0.03125
    #>      2.140 1 0.03125
    #>      2.200 1 0.03125
    #>      2.320 1 0.03125
    #>      2.465 1 0.03125
    #>      2.620 1 0.03125
    #>      2.770 1 0.03125
    #>      2.780 1 0.03125
    #>      2.875 1 0.03125
    #>      3.150 1 0.03125
    #>      3.170 1 0.03125
    #>      3.190 1 0.03125
    #>      3.215 1 0.03125
    #>      3.435 1 0.03125
    #>      3.440 3 0.09375
    #>      3.460 1 0.03125
    #>      3.520 1 0.03125
    #>      3.570 2 0.06250
    #>      3.730 1 0.03125
    #>      3.780 1 0.03125
    #>      3.840 1 0.03125
    #>      3.845 1 0.03125
    #>      4.070 1 0.03125
    #>      5.250 1 0.03125
    #>      5.345 1 0.03125
    #>      5.424 1 0.03125
    #> $qsec
    #>  newX[, i] n percent
    #>      14.50 1 0.03125
    #>      14.60 1 0.03125
    #>      15.41 1 0.03125
    #>      15.50 1 0.03125
    #>      15.84 1 0.03125
    #>      16.46 1 0.03125
    #>      16.70 1 0.03125
    #>      16.87 1 0.03125
    #>      16.90 1 0.03125
    #>      17.02 2 0.06250
    #>      17.05 1 0.03125
    #>      17.30 1 0.03125
    #>      17.40 1 0.03125
    #>      17.42 1 0.03125
    #>      17.60 1 0.03125
    #>      17.82 1 0.03125
    #>      17.98 1 0.03125
    #>      18.00 1 0.03125
    #>      18.30 1 0.03125
    #>      18.52 1 0.03125
    #>      18.60 1 0.03125
    #>      18.61 1 0.03125
    #>      18.90 2 0.06250
    #>      19.44 1 0.03125
    #>      19.47 1 0.03125
    #>      19.90 1 0.03125
    #>      20.00 1 0.03125
    #>      20.01 1 0.03125
    #>      20.22 1 0.03125
    #>      22.90 1 0.03125
    #> $vs
    #>  newX[, i]  n percent
    #>          0 18  0.5625
    #>          1 14  0.4375
    #> $am
    #>  newX[, i]  n percent
    #>          0 19 0.59375
    #>          1 13 0.40625
    #> $gear
    #>  newX[, i]  n percent
    #>          3 15 0.46875
    #>          4 12 0.37500
    #>          5  5 0.15625
    #> $carb
    #>  newX[, i]  n percent
    #>          1  7 0.21875
    #>          2 10 0.31250
    #>          3  3 0.09375
    #>          4 10 0.31250
    #>          6  1 0.03125
    #>          8  1 0.03125

    Created on 2022-06-19 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)