I'm working on an Android java app and just finished a feature called "addmypicture" that I need to merge with "Master".
I'd like to keep track of history so, as far as I know, the option I should use for merging is --ff-only, but for any reason it appears greyed out in Android Studio, and the only option is to do "--no-ff".
Haven't tried using the console because this is a big feature and I feel more comfortable doing it through the GUI.
My question is how to un-grey out "--ff-only" option and if, given my requirements of keeping history, is the recommended option to go.
Check first if the merge would be fast-forward anyway, meaning check if the history is
m--m--m (master)
f--f--f (feature/addmypicture)
Use git log --graph --oneline --decorate
from your current branch.
If the merge is a fast-forward one, that could explain why --ff-only is grayed, considered the merge is in this case by default fast-forward.