Search code examples

Powershell script ignoring $userInput variable

function processSearch {
Get-Process -Name "$processSearch*"

function processKill {
Stop-Process -Name "$processSearch*"

$processSearch = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the full or partial name of the process: "


 if ((Get-Process -Name "$processSearch*") -eq $null) {
    Write-Output "ERROR: NO PROCESS FOUND."

if ((Get-Process -Name "$processSearch*") -ne $null) {
    $userInput= Read-Host -Prompt "Kill process?"
if ($userInput -eq "y" -or "Y") {
elseif ($userInput -eq "n" -or "N") {
    Write-Output "Process not killed."   
else {
    Write-Output "ERROR: UNHANDLED INPUT."

When my script gets to $userInput= Read-Host -Prompt "Kill process?", and I enter any text, the script will terminate the selected process.

I'm new to scripting, so please let me know where my logic is flawed, thank you.


  • The issue you're experiencing is because when you're checking the $userInput variable you've forgotten to declare what variable to check against in your -or part of the clause.

    This code:

    if ($userInput -eq "y" -or "Y") {
    elseif ($userInput -eq "n" -or "N") {
        Write-Output "Process not killed."   
    else {
        Write-Output "ERROR: UNHANDLED INPUT."

    should become:

    if ($userInput -eq "y" -or $userInput -eq "Y") {
    elseif ($userInput -eq "n" -or $userInput -eq "N") {
        Write-Output "Process not killed."   
    else {
        Write-Output "ERROR: UNHANDLED INPUT."

    You could also make the if statements a little less verbose by using the case-sensitive -cin operator as this will check if the value is in an array of given values as below:

    if ($userInput -cin "y", "Y") {
    elseif ($userInput -cin "n", "N") {
        Write-Output "Process not killed."   
    else {
        Write-Output "ERROR: UNHANDLED INPUT."