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Weighted Average Cost in POWER QUERY

Im new to power query and Im trying to calqulate Weighted Average Cost of materials.

When I receive a new stock, avarage price shoul be (Cost of Available Stock + Cost of New Stock) / Total Stock (Qty)

When we issue stock, the average price should be Cost of Available Stock / Available Stock (Qty)

I have following example table.

Sample Table

Is there any idea how to calculate the weighted average cost in this situation?

Thank you.


  • You can use the List.Generate function to generate both the Running Total Column as well as the Weighted Average Cost column.

    Starting with:
    enter image description here

    M Code

    //Change next line to reflect your actual data source
        Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table11"]}[Content],
        #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"Type", type text}, 
            {"In Price", Currency.Type}, {"Qty", Int64.Type}}),
        #"Capitalized Each Word" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Changed Type",{{"Type", Text.Proper, type text}}),
        #"Add Running Total Column" = 
                Table.ToColumns(#"Capitalized Each Word") &
                    ()=>[rt=#"Capitalized Each Word"[Qty]{0}, idx=0],
                    each [idx] < Table.RowCount(#"Capitalized Each Word"),
                    each [rt = [rt] + #"Capitalized Each Word"[Qty]{[idx]+1}, idx=[idx]+1],
                    each [rt])},
                type table[Date=date, Type=text, In Price=Currency.Type, Qty=Int64.Type, Running Total=Int64.Type]),
        #"Add Avg Cost Column" = 
                Table.ToColumns(#"Add Running Total Column") & 
                    ()=>[cst=if #"Add Running Total Column"[Type]{0}="In" then #"Add Running Total Column"[In Price]{0} else null, idx=0],
                    each [idx] < Table.RowCount(#"Add Running Total Column"),
                    each [cst=if #"Add Running Total Column"[Type]{[idx]+1}="Out" then [cst]
                        else ((if [cst]=null then 0 else [cst]) * #"Add Running Total Column"[Running Total]{[idx]} + 
                            #"Add Running Total Column"[In Price]{[idx]+1} * #"Add Running Total Column"[Qty]{[idx]+1})
                            / #"Add Running Total Column"[Running Total]{[idx]+1} , idx=[idx]+1],
                    each [cst])},
            type table[Date=date, Type=text, In Price=Currency.Type, Qty=Int64.Type, Running Total=Int64.Type, Avg Cost=Currency.Type])        
        #"Add Avg Cost Column"

    enter image description here