Im new to power query and Im trying to calqulate Weighted Average Cost of materials.
When I receive a new stock, avarage price shoul be (Cost of Available Stock + Cost of New Stock) / Total Stock (Qty)
When we issue stock, the average price should be Cost of Available Stock / Available Stock (Qty)
I have following example table.
Is there any idea how to calculate the weighted average cost in this situation?
Thank you.
You can use the List.Generate
function to generate both the Running Total Column as well as the Weighted Average Cost column.
M Code
//Change next line to reflect your actual data source
Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Table11"]}[Content],
#"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Date", type date}, {"Type", type text},
{"In Price", Currency.Type}, {"Qty", Int64.Type}}),
#"Capitalized Each Word" = Table.TransformColumns(#"Changed Type",{{"Type", Text.Proper, type text}}),
#"Add Running Total Column" =
Table.ToColumns(#"Capitalized Each Word") &
()=>[rt=#"Capitalized Each Word"[Qty]{0}, idx=0],
each [idx] < Table.RowCount(#"Capitalized Each Word"),
each [rt = [rt] + #"Capitalized Each Word"[Qty]{[idx]+1}, idx=[idx]+1],
each [rt])},
type table[Date=date, Type=text, In Price=Currency.Type, Qty=Int64.Type, Running Total=Int64.Type]),
#"Add Avg Cost Column" =
Table.ToColumns(#"Add Running Total Column") &
()=>[cst=if #"Add Running Total Column"[Type]{0}="In" then #"Add Running Total Column"[In Price]{0} else null, idx=0],
each [idx] < Table.RowCount(#"Add Running Total Column"),
each [cst=if #"Add Running Total Column"[Type]{[idx]+1}="Out" then [cst]
else ((if [cst]=null then 0 else [cst]) * #"Add Running Total Column"[Running Total]{[idx]} +
#"Add Running Total Column"[In Price]{[idx]+1} * #"Add Running Total Column"[Qty]{[idx]+1})
/ #"Add Running Total Column"[Running Total]{[idx]+1} , idx=[idx]+1],
each [cst])},
type table[Date=date, Type=text, In Price=Currency.Type, Qty=Int64.Type, Running Total=Int64.Type, Avg Cost=Currency.Type])
#"Add Avg Cost Column"