I'm trying to capture the output of an scp command to a variable or array in Bash. I'm not exactly sure where the text comes from local or remote ?
So far I've tried the following :
#!/bin/bash -x
echo "mytty is ${mytty}"
myvar=$(scp test.js crashdog@webserver.com:/home/crashdog 2>&1 > $mytty)
echo "myvar is ${myvar}"
I can see the text on my tty like follows:
test.js 100% 1200 1.2KB/s 00:00
But myvar remains empty. So my two questions, where is above text coming from ? and how can I assign the text to a variable or array in Bash.
Your problem is that scp
doesn't output anything when its stdout isn't the terminal.
To trick it you can use script
out=$(script -qefc "scp test.js crashdog@webserver.com:/home/crashdog" /dev/null)
echo "$out"
You can find more info about it in How to trick an application into thinking its stdout is a terminal, not a pipe