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How to get my cursor on a new line after the highlight line of OhMyPosh theme?

I want the cursor to be on a new line currently it is on the same line as the highlight line. I have tried adding "newline" : true, but it didn't work. How can I resolve it ?

enter image description here


  • I'm pretty new to Oh My Posh installed on my Mac. I've found very little about what to do to add a \n at the end of the prompt in the documentation. I've even tried what I've read in this powershell article by adding this block at the end of the json file...

          "type": "prompt",
          "alignment": "left",
          "newline": true,
          "segments": [
              "type": "text",
              "style": "plain",
              "foreground": "#007ACC",
              "properties": {
                "prefix": "",
                "text": "\uE602"

    ...but it didn't work for me. At best I can only get a "newline": true with an empty line between executed commands, e.g.:

     ~/Downloads  $
     ~/Downloads  $

    instead of the desired

     ~/Downloads  
     ~/Downloads  

    Even if it might be the less elegant workaround I simply found any "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4" in the omp.json file and (by tries and errors) added to almost all them \n$:

       "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4\n$ "


    Found a new solution

    I stumbled upon a GitHub Issue comment by JanDeDobbeleer (owner of JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh) which is something I'm pretty sure I hadn't found on the documentation, especially in the arguments listed in Type.

    Adding a new block with just type property and just newline as argument works like a the charm 😉:

                "type": "newline"

    Despite what I thought, the last approach is now deprecated!

    The solution would still be to use a block (first and last examples) as the last item in the blocks array/list

      "$schema": ... ,
      "blocks": [
          "type": "prompt",
          "alignment": "left",
          "segments": [
          "alignment": "left",
          "newline": true,
          "segments": [{
            "foreground": "#007ACC",
            "style": "plain",
            "template": "\ue602 ",
            "type": "text"
          "type": "prompt"