I'm getting this error while using Monstache:
Unable to create Elasticsearch client: health check timeout: no Elasticsearch node available
I applied these lines to Monstache configuration:
elasticsearch-validate-pem-file = false
elasticsearch-healthcheck-timeout-startup = 200
elasticsearch-healthcheck-timeout = 200
However, I still encounter the mentioned error. When I searched about it, I found that the problem is due to sniffing in elasticsearch client. But I don't know where and how exactly I must change it?
I should denote that I studied this tutorial for this problem, but I'm still full of ambiguities.
The problem has been solved when I installed Monstache on the same local server on which the ELK stack was installed. Also, the MongoDB database on the remote server has been changed to a single node replica set to be able to connect to Monstache.