I just completed the candy machine ui setup from the metaplex repo
But When i try to mint, the wrong fee comes up, mint should be 1 sol. When i go ahead, I get a success message but an unknown token in the wallet
PS. I'm not minting with treasury wallet.
I can confirm that mint works from command line using this command:
ts-node ~/metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts mint_one_token
-e devnet
-k ~/.config/solana/devnet.json
-c example
Please see my Config
"price": 1.0,
"number": 10,
"gatekeeper": null,
"solTreasuryAccount": "redacted",
"splTokenAccount": null,
"splToken": null,
"goLiveDate": "16 Jun 2022 18:50:00 GMT",
"endSettings": null,
"whitelistMintSettings": null,
"hiddenSettings": null,
"storage": "arweave-sol",
"ipfsInfuraProjectId": null,
"ipfsInfuraSecret": null,
"nftStorageKey": null,
"awsS3Bucket": null,
"noRetainAuthority": false,
"noMutable": false
I check ur Candy Machine txs and you get bot taxs on both Mint instructions.
The error says > Program log: Missing set collection during mint IX for Candy Machine with collection set, Candy Machine Botting is taxed at 10000000 lamports
. To avoid this make sure to use the latest version of the official Metaplex Mint UI candy-machine-ui
because its seems that you are using an outdated version of the UI or an unofficial UI that doesnt support collections.