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Where does one access events that are emitted from a solidity contract, either via a node or a mirror?

How can I get emitted events from a solidity smart contract on the Hedera Network? My best guess is via ContractFunctionResult.


  • You have few options:

    1. Use hether.js, so something like:
    // Setup a filter and event listener to know when an address receives/sends tokens
    const filter = contract.filters.Transfer(walletAddress, null);
    contract.once(filter, (from, to, amount, event) => {
      console.log(`\n- Event: ${from} sent ${amount} tokens to ${to}`);

    More on hether.js events here:

    1. You can use ethers.js or web3.js with the Hedera SDKs to parse event logs, either from transaction records or mirror node api results. So, to get event data in a readable fashion you would use the contract’s ABI, log data, and ethers/web.js. Here's some sample JS code using ethers.js and mirror node (can do something similar with info from the tx record):

      async function getEventsFromMirror(contractId) {
       const url =${contractId.toString()}/results/logs?order=asc;
           .then(function (response) {
               const jsonResponse =;
               jsonResponse.logs.forEach(log => {
                   // create an object to specify log parsing requirements
                   let logRequest = {};
                   logRequest.topics = log.topics;
                   // parse the logs
                   let event = abiInterface.parseLog(logRequest);
                   // output the from address and message stored in the event
                   console.log(Mirror event(s): from '${AccountId.fromSolidityAddress(event.args.from).toString()}' update to '${event.args.message}');
           .catch(function (err) {


    1. Get the logs and events directly from a mirror node ( and and use your own library, if applicable. Probably the first two options make more sense for most folks.