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Removing a Primary Key (Clustered Index) to increase Insert performance

We've been experiencing SQL timeouts and have identified that bottleneck to be an audit table - all tables in our system contain insert, update and delete triggers which cause a new audit record.

This means that the audit table is the largest and busiest table in the system. Yet data only goes in, and never comes out (under this system) so no select performance is required.

Running a select top 10 returns recently insert records rather than the 'first' records. order by works, of course, but I would expect that a select top should return rows based on their order on the disc - which I'd expect would return the lowest PK values.

It's been suggested that we drop the clustered index, and in fact the primary key (unique constraint) as well. As I mentioned earlier there's no need to select from this table within this system.

What sort of performance hit does a clustered index create on a table? What are the (non-select) ramifications of having an unindexed, unclustered, key-less table? Any other suggestions?


our auditing involves CLR functions and I am now benchmarking with & without PK, indexes, FKs etc to determine the relative cost of the CLR functions & the contraints.

After investigation, the poor performance was not related to the insert statements but instead the CLR function which orchestrated the auditing. After removing the CLR and instead using a straight TSQL proc, performance improved 20-fold.

During the testing I've also determined that the clustered index and identity columns make little or no difference to the insert time, at least relative to any other processing that takes place.

// updating 10k rows in a table with trigger

// using CLR function
PK (identity, clustered)- ~78000ms
No PK, no index - ~81000ms

// using straight TSQL
PK (identity, clustered) - 2174ms
No PK, no index - 2102ms


  • According to Kimberly Tripp - the Queen of Indexing - having a clustered index on a table actually helps INSERT performance:

    The Clustered Index Debate Continued

    • Inserts are faster in a clustered table (but only in the "right" clustered table) than compared to a heap. The primary problem here is that lookups in the IAM/PFS to determine the insert location in a heap are slower than in a clustered table (where insert location is known, defined by the clustered key). Inserts are faster when inserted into a table where order is defined (CL) and where that order is ever-increasing.

    Source: blog post called The Clustered Index Debate Continues....