Search code examples

Finding the 2 closest corresponding rows to the average of the sum of multiplied values, grouped by a matching title when given an input title

I want to find the average values of a sum of multiplied values grouped by a matching title, in order to give them a corresponding rating, and then find the 2 closest to the input value.

SELECT titleValueAVG / 3 AS average,
  FROM (
           SELECT Sum(a) AS titleValueAVG,
             FROM (
                      SELECT value * 1 AS a,
                        FROM Table1
                       WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                             contesting = 'yes'
                      UNION ALL
                      SELECT value * 2,
                        FROM Table1
                       WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                             contesting = 'no'
                      UNION ALL
                      SELECT value * 3,
                        FROM Table1
                       WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                             contesting = 'undecided'
            GROUP BY title
            ORDER BY title = 'Australia' DESC,
                     ABS(titleValueAVG) - (
                                        SELECT value * 1 AS a,
                                          FROM Table1
                                         WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                                               contesting = 'yes' AND title = 'Australia'
                                        UNION ALL
                                        SELECT value * 2,
                                          FROM Table1
                                         WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                                               contesting = 'no' AND title = 'Australia'
                                        UNION ALL
                                        SELECT value * 3,
                                          FROM Table1
                                         WHERE type = 'A' AND 
                                               contesting = 'undecided' AND title = 'Australia'
       ) limit 2;

From an example table:

| Title    | Type         | Competing      | Value          |

| -------- | -------------| -------------- | -------------- |

| Australia| A            | yes            | 26             |

| Australia| A            | no             | 162            |

| Australia| A            | undecided      | 37             |

| Spain    | A            | yes            | 14             |

| Spain    | A            | no             | 101            |

| Spain    | A            | undecided      | 11             |

| Ireland  | A            | yes            | 124            |

| Ireland  | A            | no             | 62             |

| Ireland  | A            | undecided      | 9              |

| Nigeria  | C            | yes            | 4              |

| Nigeria  | C            | no             | 11             |

| Nigeria  | C            | undecided      | 7              |

| Colombia | A            | yes            | 26             |

| Colombia | A            | no             | 12             |

| Colombia | A            | undecided      | 19             |

| Turkey   | A            | yes            | 29             |

| Turkey   | A            | no             | 145            |

| Turkey   | A            | undecided      | 24             |

| Malta    | B            | yes            | 1              |

| Malta    | B            | no             | 11             |

| Malta    | B            | undecided      | 4              |

| Mexico   | A            | yes            | 74             |

| Mexico   | A            | no             | 19             |

| Mexico   | A            | undecided      | 12             |

| Slovenia | B            | yes            | 16             |

| Slovenia | B            | no             | 22             |

| Slovenia | B            | undecided      | 11             |

| Canada   | A            | yes            | 29             |

| Canada   | A            | no             | 164            |

| Canada   | A            | undecided      | 40             |

| Kenya    | C            | yes            | 8              |

| Kenya    | C            | no             | 12             |

| Kenya    | C            | undecided      | 0              |

So, in this example, I would like to return from an input title 'Australia:

| Title    | average        |

| -------- | -------------- |

| Australia| 154            |

| Canada   | 159            |

| Turkey   | 130            |

My attempted solution is above, I've tried multiple ways to organise the order by, which is what I think is the issue, but I can't get it to work at all. If anyone could help me fix this I'd really appreciate it.


  • Use conditional aggregation:

    WITH cte AS (
      SELECT title,
             ROUND(SUM(value *
                 CASE competing
                   WHEN 'yes' THEN 1
                   WHEN 'no' THEN 2
                   WHEN 'undecided' THEN 3
             ) / 3.0) average
      FROM tablename
      WHERE type = 'A'
      GROUP BY title
    SELECT *
    FROM cte
    ORDER BY title = 'Australia' DESC,
             ABS(average - (SELECT average FROM cte WHERE title = 'Australia'))
    LIMIT 3; 

    See the demo.