I have two projects ProjA and ProjB.
I want to use a yaml file (this is not a gitlab yaml file) from ProjA and pass it to a python script in ProjB's gitlab-ci.yaml file.
Can someone let me know how could we do it ?
Something like:
My ProjectA/common/test.yaml looks like:
a: 1
b: 2
Now, I have projectB where I want to run a python script as a part of pipeline which parses the above test.yaml
So, my .gitlab-ci looks like:
python parse_project.py {test.yaml}
What would be easiest way to retrieve test.yaml from ProjA and pass it as argument such that my python script could read this file ?
You have two solutions : using git clone
to get all files or the API to retrieve a specific file.
allow you to clone the repository and use files or to make some API calls. This variable is available in your pipeline because it is a predefined variable.
You can clone the projectA
during the projectB
pipeline to get one or more files.
stage: test
- git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:$CI_JOB_TOKEN@gitlab.com/group/project_a.git
- cat project_a/common/test.yaml
You can use the Repository Files API to get a specific file from projectA
GET /projects/:id/repository/files/:file_path
Then you have to decode the content and you can save it to a file :
stage: test
image: alpine
- apk add curl jq
- test_yaml=$(curl -H "JOB_TOKEN:$CI_JOB_TOKEN" "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/PROJECT_ID/repository/files/common%2Etest%2Eyaml?ref=main")
- content=$(echo $test_yaml | jq .content | base64 -d)
- echo "$content" >> test.yaml
- cat test.yaml