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Vim - command - T

I have made the move from TextMate to VIM. I can not use macvim, policy at work does not allow me to install it. I have tried installing command-t to give me "go to file" functionality. However as I am using VIM with the osx terminal, when I press command-t it opens a new tab.

I have now decided to try FuzzyFinder but can not figure out how to search across a directory recursively for a file with it, could anyone show me how to go to a file like command-t but using FuzzyFinder. :-/


  • Command-T describes its intended use inside MacVim. If you want to use it inside terminal Vim, use the default binding <Leader>t (by default, <Leader> is the backslash key). You can remap this in your Vim config if you'd rather use a modifier key binding.