I am trying to launch a process in a context of a user that I log on using LogonUserExW.
In order to do that, I need to modify DACL of Winstation "Winsta0" and Desktop "Default". What I do is get the DACL and Security Descriptor (which I don't actually need nor use) using GetSecurityInfo. Then I call GetAclInformation twice to get information about the size and revision of the ACL.
GetAclInformation(daclWinsta, out aclInfoSizeOut, Marshal.SizeOf(aclInfoSizeOut), ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS.AclSizeInformation);
GetAclInformation(daclWinsta, out aclInfoRevisionOut, Marshal.SizeOf(aclInfoRevisionOut), ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS.AclRevisionInformation);
Once I have the data, I calculate the required size of the new ACL:
int cbNewACL = Convert.ToInt32(aclInfoSizeOut.AclBytesInUse + Marshal.SizeOf(allowedAce) + GetLengthSid(userpSid) - sizeof(UInt32));
Then as per https://web.archive.org/web/20121231022835/http://support.microsoft.com/kb/102102 I allocate memory for the new ACL using
IntPtr pNewAcl = LocalAlloc(LocalAllocFlags.LPTR, cbNewACL);
This is where it starts getting confusing for me BIG time. I fail to understand how this actually works. Using the LocalAlloc I now have a pointer to a memory of the size I specified. Then I initialize the new ACL which is supposed to be in that memory block, BUT how? Because the pointer is actually rewritten once I use the function below. Interestingly enough, it always has the same value every time I call the function. Whereas the pointer returned by Locallloc is always different.
InitializeAcl(out pNewAcl, cbNewACL, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision);
The pAcl in InitializeAcl function is defnied as "[out] pAcl A pointer to an ACL structure to be initialized by this function. Allocate memory for pAcl before calling this function." I would understand if it was passed as REF for the function to know where to actually initialize the ACL, but REF doesn't change it at all.
Another thing is when I call the InitializeAcl, the cbNewAcl gets set to 0. This goes absolutely beyond my head. How and why does it change the value?
Then when I call AddAccessAllowedAce it completely messes up the structures I have set before I get the data from the existing ACL- aclInfoSizeOut and aclInfoRevisionOut which get set to nonsense values. Such as count 0, bytes in use 78548557 (some high number). And cbNewAcl gets changed to 1. I have no idea why it does that.
AddAccessAllowedAce(ref pNewAcl, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision, ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_MASK.WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, userpSid);
Below is my full code which "works" - I get the user's token and psid, I query the existing DACL, I query the members of the DACL and get their string SIDs, but that is about it. I can't create a new DACL. Posting it with my comments as well. I hope I did not forget any signatures as the code is a bit longer in VS than what I am actually posting.
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr hObject);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern bool LogonUserExW(
string lpszUsername,
string lpszDomain,
string lpszPassword,
int dwLogonType,
int dwLogonProvider,
out IntPtr phToken,
out IntPtr ppLogonSid,
out IntPtr ppProfileBuffer,
out IntPtr pdwProfileLength,
out QUOTA_LIMITS pQuotaLimits
[DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern int ConvertSidToStringSidW(
IntPtr SidPtr,
out IntPtr SidString
[DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern int GetSecurityInfo
IntPtr handle,
out IntPtr ppsidOwner,
out IntPtr ppsidGroup,
out IntPtr ppDacl,
out IntPtr ppSacl,
out IntPtr ppSecurityDescriptor
[DllImport("User32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr GetProcessWindowStation();
[DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool GetAclInformation(
IntPtr pAcl,
out ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION pAclInformation,
int nAclInformationLength,
public uint AceCount;
public uint AclBytesInUse;
public uint AclBytesFree;
public int AclRevision;
AclRevisionInformation = 1,
public struct QUOTA_LIMITS
public int PagedPoolLimit;
public int NonPagedPoolLimit;
public int MinimumWorkingSetSize;
public int MaximumWorkingSetSize;
public int PagefileLimit;
public Int64 TimeLimit;
public ACE_HEADER Header;
public ACCESS_MASK Mask;
public UInt16 SidStart;
ublic enum LocalAllocFlags : uint
LHND = 0x0042,
LMEM_FIXED = 0x0000,
LPTR = 0x0040
[DllImport("Kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr LocalAlloc(LocalAllocFlags flags, int bytes);
DllImport("Advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool InitializeAcl(
out IntPtr pAcl,
int nAclLength,
int dwAclRevision
public static extern int AddAccessAllowedAce
ref IntPtr pAcl,
int dwAceRevision,
IntPtr pSid
LogonUserExW("XXXXX", "FFFFF", "BBBBB", 2, 0, out IntPtr userToken, out IntPtr userpSid, out IntPtr profileBuffer, out IntPtr profileLength, out QUOTA_LIMITS profQuotaLimits);
ConvertSidToStringSidW(userpSid, out IntPtr ptrSid);
string stringSid = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(ptrSid);
IntPtr winstaHandle = GetProcessWindowStation();
//get security descriptor for the station
int getDescriptorResult = GetSecurityInfo(winstaHandle, SE_OBJECT_TYPE.SE_WINDOW_OBJECT, SECURITY_INFORMATION.DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION | SECURITY_INFORMATION.PROTECTED_DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, out IntPtr owner, out IntPtr group, out IntPtr daclWinsta, out IntPtr Sacl, out IntPtr secDescriptor);
//this actually works but shows different values than ACL_SIZE_INFORMATION and ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION
//maybe DACL is in different structure than ACL struct? could not find any other struct in the documentation
ACL aclStruct = (ACL)Marshal.PtrToStructure(daclWinsta, typeof(ACL));
GetAclInformation(daclWinsta, out aclInfoSizeOut, Marshal.SizeOf(aclInfoSizeOut), ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS.AclSizeInformation);
GetAclInformation(daclWinsta, out aclInfoRevisionOut, Marshal.SizeOf(aclInfoRevisionOut), ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS.AclRevisionInformation);
//count:17 bytes:436
//create a new ACL just to get its size for the cbNewACL value
int cbNewACL = Convert.ToInt32(aclInfoSizeOut.AclBytesInUse + Marshal.SizeOf(allowedAce) + GetLengthSid(userpSid) - sizeof(UInt32));
//??? for some reason cbNewACL gets cleared after calling InitializeAcl
IntPtr pNewAcl = LocalAlloc(LocalAllocFlags.LPTR, cbNewACL);
InitializeAcl(out pNewAcl, cbNewACL, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision);
//just for test try to add it right away
//AddAccessAllowedAce(ref pNewAcl, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision, ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_MASK.WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, userpSid);
//after calling AddAccessAllowedAce the information is structs aclInfoSizeOut and aclInfoRevisionOut gets destroyed
//cbNewAcl gets set to 1
bool newAceAdded = false;
bool userSidAlreadyExists = false;
//copy old ACEs into the new ACL
if (aclInfoSizeOut.AceCount != 0)
int indexInNewAcl = 0;
for (int i=0;i<aclInfoSizeOut.AceCount;i++)
//get ace and add it to the new ACL
GetAce(daclWinsta, i, out IntPtr existingAce);
if (existingAce != IntPtr.Zero)
//get ace header from the ACE pointer to identify the ACE type
//get first 4 bytes from the pointer starting at 0 since ACE_HEADER struct is of size 4
//once we have it in the byte array, create a GC handle with the bytes - this allocates them in a managed memory
//then read it to the structure using Marshal.PtrToStructure
ACE_HEADER aceHeader = new ACE_HEADER();
byte[] aceHeaderBytes = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(aceHeader)];
Marshal.Copy(existingAce, aceHeaderBytes, 0, aceHeaderBytes.Length);
GCHandle aceHeaderBytesHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(aceHeaderBytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
aceHeader = (ACE_HEADER)Marshal.PtrToStructure(aceHeaderBytesHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(), typeof(ACE_HEADER));
switch (aceHeader.AceType)
case 0:
case 1:
//0 allowed - ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE, 1 denied - ACCESS_DENIED_ACE
//the two have the same members definied in their structure.
//the declaration below is not explicitly needed in our case, but might be useful for some other things
//ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE existingDeniedAllowedACE = (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(existingAce, typeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE));
//0 and 1 in this context are together in one clause since they are definied by the same members in the same order, thus allowing us
//to get SidStart from the same offset from the ACE IntPtr
//GUESSING: SidStart starts at 8th byte in the struct, therefore an offset of 8 bytes - size of ACE_HEADER and ACCESS_MASK (Uint16)
//if for example the ACE type would be definied by more members with SidStart at the end, we would have to calculate the offset by
//the sum of all members except for SidStart
IntPtr sidPtrInAce = IntPtr.Zero;
sidPtrInAce = IntPtr.Add(existingAce, 8);
ConvertSidToStringSidW(sidPtrInAce, out IntPtr pSidStringInAce);
if (pSidStringInAce == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("failed to get pSidString"); }
string sidStringInAce = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pSidStringInAce);
if (sidStringInAce == stringSid) { userSidAlreadyExists = true; }
} catch { }
if (userSidAlreadyExists) { break; }
//if the ACE was not added AND the processing ACE is not NON-INHERITED DENIED and is not DENIED for Object AND is not Enable for Object
//then add our ADE to ensure it is in the correct order
//Windows 2000 and later ACE ordering in ACL:
//Non-Inherited -> Inherited
//withing each of the two groups the ACEs are also in the following order
//Disable for the object
//Disable for the subject of the object
//Enable for the object
//Enable for the subject of the object
//So basically if we hit anything but NON-Inherited disable for the object, NON-Inherited Disable for the subject of the object and NON-Inherited Enable for the object
//then we should add our ACE - this will ensure correct order
//^ could not figure out how to distinguish between Enable for the object and Enable for the subject of the object
//instead, add the ACE the moment we find an inherited ACE
if (!newAceAdded && isAceInherited(aceHeader.AceFlags))
//AddAccessAllowedAce(ref pNewAcl, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision, ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_MASK.WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, userpSid);
newAceAdded = true;
//AddAce(ref pNewAcl, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision, indexInNewAcl, existingAce, aceHeader.AceSize);
catch (Exception ex)
} else
Console.WriteLine("failed obtaining existing ACE in ACL. quitting"); Console.Read(); return;
if (userSidAlreadyExists) { Console.WriteLine("user already exists in the ACL. quit"); Console.Read(); return; }
if (!newAceAdded && !userSidAlreadyExists)
//we did not hit an inherited ACE - probably none exists in the ACL OR AceCount was 0 - no going through ACEs
//therefore user was not added
//AddAccessAllowedAce(ref pNewAcl, aclInfoRevisionOut.AclRevision, ACCESS_MASK.READ_CONTROL | ACCESS_MASK.WINSTA_ALL_ACCESS, userpSid);
newAceAdded = true;
if (!newAceAdded)
Console.WriteLine("failed to add new ACE. quit"); Console.Read(); return;
Console.WriteLine("ready to quit");
As per Selvin's comment:
The problem was with InitializeAcl signature. It is not out, but in and the function initialized the acl in the address pointed by the IntPtr. In addition to that, I had to change AddAce and AddAccessAllowedAce signatures as well - ref IntPtr pAcl to just in IntPtr.