I am using ArcGis JavaScript API to display some maps. I have ID of featurelayers in object like this:
const layersByYears = [
{ year: 1918, layers: [
{ layerID: "443709212b894e9297888b3194b51100", opacity: 1.0, name: "ORP", featureLayer: null },
{ layerID: "61a605dca69c4aa0ac1b3858ba328fd3", opacity: 1.0, name: "obceSouc", featureLayer: null }
] },
{ year: 1936, layers: [
{ layerID: "443709212b894e9297888b3194b51100", opacity: 1.0, name: "ORP", featureLayer: null },
{ layerID: "61a605dca69c4aa0ac1b3858ba328fd3", opacity: 1.0, name: "obceSouc", featureLayer: null }
] },
{ year: 1950, layers: [
{ layerID: "23bcd52310854d6185e5f22a4eca0303", opacity: 1.0, name: "ORP", featureLayer: null },
{ layerID: "61a605dca69c4aa0ac1b3858ba328fd3", opacity: 1.0, name: "obceSouc", featureLayer: null }
] },
{ year: 1981, layers: [
{ layerID: "401e9530ba074936800a8f596fc49d70", opacity: 1.0, name: "ORP", featureLayer: null },
{ layerID: "61a605dca69c4aa0ac1b3858ba328fd3", opacity: 1.0, name: "obceSouc", featureLayer: null }
] },
I have simple input element to choose an year and when the button is clicked, then the layer is changed also. The project is here: https://www.pramenykrkonos.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/index-3.html It is in czech language - what I need is to apply filter for actual layer.
This is where variable for each layer is created:
const createFL = (layer) => {
if(layer.featureLayer !== null && layer.featureLayer !== undefined)
layer.featureLayer = new FeatureLayer({ portalItem: {
id: layer.layerID,
opacity: layer.opacity !== undefined ? layer.opacity : 1.0,
visible: false,
} })
Expression for filter is defined here and should be applied when button "doBtn" is clicked.
const attributeName = document.getElementById("attSelect");
const expressionSign = document.getElementById("signSelect");
const inputValue = document.getElementById("valSelect");
let expression;
function doQuery() {
expression = attributeName.value +
expressionSign.value +
document.getElementById("printResults").innerHTML = expression;
featureLayer.definitionExpression = expression;
If I understand the issue, then I guess a simple solution would be to get the visible layers and apply the filter. Visible layers in this context are the "current" layers, I am guessing.
If that is the case then your function will be something like this,
function doQuery() {
expression = attributeName.value +
expressionSign.value +
"'" + inputValue.value + "'";
document.getElementById("printResults").innerHTML = expression;
// get visible feature layers, and then apply filter
concatedLayers.filter(l => l.visible).forEach(l => l.definitionExpression = expression);