I'm using sinon stub to mock the response from 3rd party. Everything is fine since I need to check the input of function called.
Example: I create a function to get user information, use Mongoose to get data from mongodb.
async function getUser(userId) {
const userInfo = await User.findOne({ _id: userId });
return userInfo;
My UT:
describe('Test user', () => {
let findOneUserStub;
beforeEach(() => {
findOneUserStub = sinon.stub(User, 'findOne');
afterEach(() => {
// Work
it('Should return information success', async () => {
const response = await getUser('userId_01');
findOneUserStub.returns({ _id: 'userId_01'});
expect(response).to.be.equals({ _id: 'userId_01'});
// Not work
it('Should return information success', async () => {
const response = await getUser('userId_01');
findOneUserStub.withArgs({ _id: 'userId_01'}).returns({ _id: 'userId_01'});
expect(response).to.be.equals({ _id: 'userId_01'});
I think it only able compare with value variable, is cannot compare with reference variable. So do we have any way to compare reference variable?
I think you can use this:
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(findOneUserStub, {
_id: 'userId_01'