For one of my development, I need to decode a JWT in order to use its information.
I need to do this:
Currently, I have written this code but I find it complicated for this need.
$token = $request->bearerToken();
try {
$jwtParts = explode('.', $token);
if (empty($header = $jwtParts[0]) || empty($payload = $jwtParts[1]) || empty($jwtParts[2])) {
throw new JwtServiceException('Missing JWT part(s).');
} catch (Throwable $e) {
throw new JwtServiceException('Provided JWT is invalid.', $e);
if (
!($header = base64_decode($header))
|| !($payload = base64_decode($payload))
) {
throw new JwtServiceException('Provided JWT can not be decoded from base64.');
if (
empty(($header = json_decode($header, true)))
|| empty(($payload = json_decode($payload, true)))
) {
throw new JwtServiceException('Provided JWT can not be decoded from JSON.');
The code works but I want something more readable.
I tested the Jwt firebase library but this one does not allow me to decode a JWT string.
Thank's you so much in advance for your help
You can use this package to handle your jwt. It already provides a lot of tools. If you're using Passport in your Lumen app it should be probably already available.