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Can't see logs coming from fluent forward receiver

I am trying to collect application level logs using fluent-bit, I want to listen these logs on otel-collector-contrib

I am generating dummy logs for testing using the command given below docker run --log-driver=fluentd -t ubuntu echo "Testing a log message"

Here, I am expecting my collector to show the logs on terminal because I have set the loglevel to debug

Git Repo Link :

Did some debugging and found that issue is failed to parse forward mode event: unknown type of value: 1655265172 at Time at Time at Entries/0

Also found that current timestamp is going as uint64 where expected is int64.

How to typecast timestamp to integer. Time_as_Integer property of [OUTPUT] does not seem to work.


  • test_agent_log_generate:
        image: httpd
          - "80:80"
          driver: "fluentd"
            fluentd-address: https://localhost:8006
            tag: httpd.access
        command: /bin/bash -c "while sleep 2; do  echo \"Testing a log message\"; done"

    Directly sending data to otel-endpoint like this worked ! Using forward plugin as both, input and output -- was somehow sending timestamp into uint64 format, which is not acceptable for fluentforwardreceiver