I've been trying to find examples and doing some testing for a few days now....got to the point where I need some help...
Note: I'm using root to to get things working then I'll try using another user... I feel another headache coming on...
Running OMV 6 on standalone PC, another standalone PC running proxmox with Ubunutu VM with docker.
Goal: get NFS shares working on Ubuntu VM so I can spin up docker containers using the NFS shares as volumes
OMV 6 - (myvault)
setup NFS shares as follows all via the GUI, just looking at CLI for simplicity
when i go into /export/movies I can see all the files I expect to
root@myvault:/export# ls -l
total 68
drwxrwsrwx+ 1020 root users 53248 Jan 18 2021 movies
drwxrwsr-x 87 root users 4096 Dec 16 2020 music
drwxrwsr-x+ 5 root users 4096 Sep 8 2021 plex-config
drwxrwsr-x 5 root users 4096 Aug 14 2020 tv
Proxmox on
VM - Ubuntu 22.04 with docker (docker-pve)
NFS shares can be seen from 161 i.e. docker host...
root@docker-pve:/# showmount -e
Export list for
/export/movies *
/export (everyone)
Creating (seemingly) simple test volume on ubuntu server
root@docker-pve:/# docker volume create --driver local \
--opt type=nfs \
--opt o=addr=,nfsvers=4 \
--opt device=:/export/movies foo
Looking into the foo volume...
root@docker-pve:/var/lib/docker/volumes/foo/_data# ls -l
total 0
Q1 - Is this normal?
I expected to see all the files I saw before from the other pc when I went to /export/movies
Then running a test docker container...
root@docker-pve:/# docker run -it --rm --name nfs-test -v foo:/data alpine sh
docker: Error response from daemon: error while mounting volume '/var/lib/docker/volumes/foo/_data': failed to mount local volume: mount :/export/movies:/var/lib/docker/volumes/foo/_data, data: addr=,nfsvers=4: no such file or directory.
ERRO[0000] error waiting for container: context canceled
And this where I got stuck...
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated...
[edit] replaced images with codeblocks
Seems issue was PEBKAC....
on my OMV the movies shared folder was linked to a single disk the music shared folder was linked to the shared pool of disk i.e. 1 or all 4 disks of the pool may or may not have that folder on them...
Complicated issue..after I had setup the shared folder in the OMV GUI, I had done some HW maintenace and moved some sata cables thus sdc1 now became sda1... long story short the shared folder moviews I had linked to a particular disk ....that disk no longer had a folder called movies there...
So the following docker-compose in a portainer stacks editor works ...
... (note following block is not showing the correct indenting)
- plex-config:/nfs/config
- plex-tv:/nfs/tv
- plex-movies:/nfs/movies
- plex-music:/nfs/music
restart: unless-stopped
name: config # this is the name of the volume in /var/lib/docker/volumes
type: "nfs"
o: "addr=,nolock,soft"
device: ":/export/plex-config"
name: movies # this is the name of the volume in /var/lib/docker/volumes
type: "nfs"
o: "addr=,nolock,soft"
device: ":/export/movies"