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R: Classification table for svyglm (survey package)

I trying to do logistic regression analysis with 'survey' package.

I am struggeling with Classification table of my model.

design1 <- svydesign(ids = ~num, weights = ~weights, data = mydata, fpc=~nm, strata = ~strata1)

glm_m<- svyglm(var1 ~ sex + age1 + educat, design = design1, family = quasibinomial())

How should I continue to do a Classification table next? And second, after that calculate a Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness of Fit (GOF) Test with a survey data?


  • You'll need a classification to get a classification table. Suppose you want a threshold at 0.5. Then svytable to get a population table

    design1<-update(design1, fittedp=fitted(design1))
    design1<-update(design1, fittedclass= fittedp>0.5)
    svytable(~var1+fittedclass, design1)

    There are at least two different extensions of the Hosmer-Lemeshow test to survey data, but I don't know of an R implementation of either.