Hi all!.
The R code below,
works great to display 4 plots,
one plot for each numeric column
in the iris DF.
And that's exactly the plots i need.
Problem is,
all 4 plots (one for each column),
have the same default Title at the top:
Histogram of x
...instead of a plot Title at the top,
for each specific DF column name:
Histogram of Sepal.Length
Histogram of Sepal.Width,
Here's the R code:
f <- function(x){
c( hist(x, freq = FALSE ),
lines(density(x)) )
sapply(iris[1:4], f) # where "f" is the FX f/above!.
What R-code am I missing?.
Help, please!...
SFer --
latest version of R, Rstudio,
Ubuntu LINUX 20.04.
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
f <- function(data, colname){
hist(data[,colname], freq = FALSE,
main = paste("Histogram of", colname),
xlab = colname)
sapply(names(iris)[1:4], function(x) f(iris, x))