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How to construct an array knowing first value, last value and step size in Fortran?

In the following algorithm I set up a do loop in such a way to perform some operations for each value of the variable domega. The problem of my code is that it misses the last value of domega, that should be equal to tau2.

Can you tell me how to solve this issue? In matlab I would write an array of domega like: domega = first_value:step:last_value and then I would perform a for loop on the values of domega array.

Can you show how to modify my code to get a do loop on domega, by starting from first value up to last value with the indicated step size?

  domega  = tau1                       ! first value 
  if(tau2 < 0.d0) tau2 = tau2 + twopi  ! tau2 is the last value
  delta    =  4.617207817725326D-003  ! Interval step size
  n_domega = 1 + ((tau2 - tau1)/delta)     ! numbers of values within interval

  do i_om = 1,n_domega    ! Loop 
      domega = tau1 + i_om*delta
  enddo  ! end loop on Delta_omega 

PROBLEM SOLVED! After reading your comments and some web searches, I managed to solve the problem by using the following linspace subroutine:

    subroutine linspace_real(from, to, array)
    ! Generates evenly spaced numbers from `from` to `to` (inclusive).
    ! Inputs:
    ! -------
    ! from, to : the lower and upper boundaries of the numbers to generate
    ! Outputs:
    ! -------
    ! array : Array of evenly spaced numbers
        implicit none
        real(pr), intent(in)  :: from, to
        real(pr), intent(out) :: array(:)
        real(pr) :: range
        integer :: n, i
        n = size(array)
        range = to - from

        if (n == 0) return

        if (n == 1) then
            array(1) = from
        end if

        do i=1, n
            array(i) = from + range * (i - 1) / (n - 1)
        end do
    end subroutine linspace_real

In the main program I wrote:

real(pr), dimension(:), allocatable  :: d_omega_vec 

! Scan interval of Delta_omega (we know the interval step, so we have to compute the number of values within the interval)
domega  = tau1
if(tau2 < 0.d0) tau2 = tau2 + twopi
delta    =  4.617207817725326D-003  ! Interval step size
n_domega = 1 + ((tau2 - tau1)/delta)     ! numbers of values within interval
n_domega_vec = n_domega + 1 
call linspace_real(tau1, tau2, d_omega_vec)

So, instead to increment domega during the loop, I created an array of domega from tau1 to tau2 with number of elements properly computed by exploiting my delta.


  • I'm not sure if delta = 0.0026 (as in the code) or delta= 4.617207817725326D-003 (as in the comment), but here is a way to give an initial value and loop adding a step each time:

    program test
      double precision, parameter :: tau1 = 0.392464539129341, tau2 = 5.89072076805024, delta = 0.0026 
      double precision :: domega
      domega  = tau1                       ! first value 
        if(domega > tau2) exit
        write(*,"('domega = ',es16.9)") domega
        domega = domega + delta
      enddo  ! end loop on Delta_omega 
      write(*,"('next domega would be = ',es16.9)") domega + delta
    end program test

    End of output:

    domega =  5.883664563E+00
    domega =  5.886264563E+00
    domega =  5.888864563E+00
    next domega would be =  5.894064563E+00

    The last line is printed outside of the loop, and is already above tau2 = 5.89072076805024.