I am trying to develop an office add-in and I succesfully deployed it to Azure. But for testing small iterations of my code I would like to use the localhost. So I would like to have a development environment and a production environment. Sadly the MS documentation on how to handle this is rather thin. How can I setup the project for deployment and testing? the MS documentation only states that it is recommended to maintain different manifest files: microsoft manifest documentation
I have created a manifest.xml and an manifest_prod.xml file but how can I configure the project which manifest file to take? in the webpack.config.js file I can see this info:
const urlDev = "https://localhost:3000/";
const urlProd = "https://localhost:3000/"; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT LOCATION
But how should the project be set up? so I can choose to run the development (local server) and once ready, I can deploy that to Azure?
many thanks for suggestions on the matter.
In case if you've used the yeoman generator for scaffolding the web add-in project Webpack is used for handling such things. Open the wepblpack.config.js
file and find the following lines there:
const urlDev = "https://localhost:3000/";
const urlProd = "https://www.contoso.com/"; // CHANGE THIS TO YOUR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT LOCATION
So, your manifest will be updated according to the config used to build the solution. The following part does the trick:
new CopyWebpackPlugin({
patterns: [
from: "manifest*.xml",
to: "[name]" + "[ext]",
transform(content) {
if (dev) {
return content;
} else {
return content.toString().replace(new RegExp(urlDev, "g"), urlProd);
So, building the add-in in the release configuration you will get a correct manifest file copied pointing to the production URL.
Try to use the following commands and then check out the result manifest file:
"build": "webpack --mode production",
"build:dev": "webpack --mode development",