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Does Python Pulsar-Client SDK supports pulsar admin based classes?

Hi I was looking to fetch metadata of pulsar topics using python-client sdk provided by pulsar.

But i got stuck as , i was not able to find any classes regarding pulsar-admin actions like getting topics , there schema , stats etc.

Though the same things are available in java admin sdk. example

In java :-

String namespace = "my-tenant/my-namespace";

link to doc :-

i need to get same set of functionally but in python sdk.

is there any way to do this or yet not supported.

Solutions Tried :-

i have tried the pulsar admin rest api's and they work.. but i prefer to go via sdk path.


  • The Python SDK does not have that yet.

    You potentially could build a Python SDK using OpenAPI/Swagger which is available here

    You could also make REST calls from Python.

    You can make a request for this functionality:

    The full current documentation is here: