I have a wordpress and ACF related question. I need to display repeater field as a shortcode that will be created inside functions.php file. Then I will use shortcode inside post page with Gutenberg. Is this possible?
I struggle with this today and I can`t find a solution :(
<?php if ( have_rows( 'car_parts' ) ) : ?> /* this is repeater field */
<?php while ( have_rows( 'car_parts' ) ) : the_row(); ?>
<?php the_sub_field( 'car_engine' ); ?> /* this is repeater subfield */
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php // No rows found ?>
<?php endif; ?>
I prepared a function called
function get_car_parts() {
echo 'display ACF repeater fields here';
add_shortcode( 'show-car-parts', 'get_car_parts' );
Any help greatly appreciated :-)
The callback in add_shortcode function should not return an output of any kind, just return the text that is to be used to replace the shortcode, like this:
function get_car_parts()
if (have_rows('car_parts')): /* this is repeater field */
while (have_rows('car_parts')):
$car_engine = the_sub_field('car_engine'); /* this is repeater subfield */
return $car_engine;
return "No rows found";
add_shortcode('show-car-parts', 'get_car_parts');