I don't have enough experience with generator expression to figure this out. I have a list and input statement like so:
work = ['Read', 'Write', 'Program', 'Email']
assign = input(f"Select what you have worked on > {(str(x) for x in work)}")
The above code is not working! The work list might change. I also want to see a different input message that is more like.
Select what you have worked on > 0: Read, 1: Write, 2: Program, 3: Email >
How do you recommend getting this input question?
Use str.join()
>>> work = ['Read', 'Write', 'Program', 'Email']
>>> f"Select what you have worked on > {', '.join(f'{i}: {x}' for i, x in enumerate(work))}"
'Select what you have worked on > 0: Read, 1: Write, 2: Program, 3: Email'