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AWS CodeArtifact token update

I created AWS CodeArtifact repository, obtained token with aws codeartifact get-authorization-token command, and set it correctly to .m2/settings.xml (my project is using maven as build tool & package manager).

The problem is that the token expires after 12 hours. This means that I and all the developers working on the project have to fetch a new token and set the new token in settings.xml file. And same has to be done for ci/cd server that also needs to have a connection to CodeArtifact in order to push the artifacts after building.

There has to be a way to solve this problem but unfortunately, I wasn't able to find the solution.


  • Why not just use the ~/.mavenrc file, and add something like this?

    # is our token file more than 12 hours old (or missing?)
    if [[ $(find $CA_TOKEN_FILE -mmin -710 2> /dev/null) != $CA_TOKEN_FILE ]]; then
        # Do we need to refresh AWS creds?
        if ! aws sts get-caller-identity --profile default &> /dev/null; then
            # refresh your creds here
        echo "export CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN=$(aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain <domain> --domain-owner <ownerid> --query authorizationToken --output text)" > $CA_TOKEN_FILE
    # source the env file

    The AWS refresh is optional, but typically that would prompt for creds as necessary.

    You also need to add something like this to .m2/settings.xml
